Dear Pennsylvania Cervid Farmer, Owner, or Propagator,

In 2002, a small group of passionate deer enthusiasts met to form an association known as the Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association or PDFA. The mission was clear to, “Preserve, Protect and Promote” the opportunity to ethically raise and manage private Cervid operations in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Since that time PDFA has nurtured a strong relationship with the PA Department of Agriculture ensuring this opportunity for anyone to raise and privately own Cervid species in the state.

PDFA’s collective voice has helped shape our leading role as one of the best places to raise and own Cervid species in the country.

Since 2002, the mission of the PDFA has evolved to the following:

  • To preserve and promote and protect Pennsylvania’s quality Cervid industry.
  • To provide educational opportunities for our members through the sharing of information, to educate the general public and others about the Cervid industry.
  • To be a collective voice in governmental and any other issues that may benefit or adversely affect the Cervid industry.
  • Promote high ethical standards in the care, handling, and harvesting of Pennsylvania’s Cervids.
  • To insist that our membership operate in a legal, honest and forthright manner with fellow members, other Cervid producers and the general public.

The PDFA leadership works extremely hard for its members on many fronts through its many working committees.
Below are some of key successes and ongoing initiatives currently underway:

  • PDFA Hosted a successful Spring Auction raising funds to continue to the work of the association
  • PDFA hosts an annual PA Eastern Fall Classic Auction for all deer farmers
  • PDFA has a very aggressive Presence in Harrisburg educating our Legislators about deer farming
  • PDFA has an aggressive campaign to educate the Public on facts about CWD both in print and via the web site
  • PDFA sends out quarterly Magazines along with timely emails and Facebook posts keeping members informed of the latest activities and news
  • PDFA is an organization to create a unified voice of Deer/Cervid Farmers, propagators, and preserves in PA
  • PDFA supports National organizations in support of Deer Farming
  • PDFA leadership works hard for all deer/Cervid propagators from full time farmers, to hobbyists, to hunting operations and provides solidarity and a common voice
  • PDFA provides a common ethics platform within the Pennsylvania industry
  • PDFA creates antler competition based upon Spring Sale Semen Sales
  • PDFA aids in finding a CWD solution/cure by helping to fund CWD research efforts

Please consider joining the PDFA supporting the preservation of the Cervid industry and ownership in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. By doing so, you will also be supporting the mutually beneficial goals, and adding membership growth as additional leverage in our forward progress.

In this challenging time, it’s imperative we unify to ensure we have a proactive role in shaping the future of Pennsylvania’s Cervid industry.

If you have already joined, thank you, if you haven’t, please contact Kelly at the PDFA Office or, join via our web site at

We look forward to a prosperous future with the animals we so care for.

Todd Gehringer and the Membership Committee

Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association
P. O. Box 3635
Williamsport, PA 17701